Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Complain to Google for removing duplicate posts

google penguin update
A few days back I complained that some guys duplicated my articles. Here's a further update on that issue. Google released its Penguin (I sooooo love Penguins with their cute walk and small wings :D) update recently on April 24th. Somehow, I missed that news entirely. And, a lot many changes were done on the SEO and page ranking stuff. I know that doesn't interest you as a reader but wait, let me explain that in simple words. 

Duplicate content is something google is taking very very seriously and it can very well hamper the page rank of the original blogs as well. So, if you every find any of the posts of your favourite blogger, please please and please report to them at once. It really would save us a lot of trouble and heart burn. 

For bloggers - if you find a post of your copied anywhere, you can simply go to this link and lodge a complaint. Its all legal, as well. They ask for the original and the duplicate URL's. And, then, they check and if your complaint is legitimate, they delete the duplicate page. And, yes, I checked it. They replied to me within 12 hours so that's fast service as well :)

PS:  Another thing here is that if you ever find anyone copy pasting your work, please contact the person first of all and ask them to remove the content. This method of reporting to google should be done as the most drastic measure. Many people copy paste your work without really knowing how it will affect anyone. This is in respect to the copy pasting done on genuine blogs and not spammy websites / blogs.

PS 1: Totally unrelated but if you find a medium size tee with a penguin on it, please buy it immediately and courier it to me :D I shall pay for it!!!
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