Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Your hands tell your age

You might have noticed that your hands would seem to need more care than your face. Though, we often forget to do that. If you do not take proper care of your hands, they can make you look older than you actually are. This is because our hands are the most exposed and abused parts of the body. So, taking a regular and proper care should assure youthful hands. Have you ever seen beautiful hands? They look beautiful because they do not have varicose veins showing. Instead, they are as fleshy as any other part of the body and no wrinkles at all. Perform this activity after a long day just before sleep.

How to do a manicure?
  • Wash your hands properly. Remove any rings or bangles or bracelets you wear.
  • Dip your hands for 5 minutes in hot water (as hot as you can bear) to soften the skin and open the pores.
  • Use a body scrub to cleanse the hands gently.
  • Wash thoroughly by dipping in hot water again. 
  • Make a hand pack from raw honey and ripe banana. Blend them into a smooth mixture. Banana moisturizes your hand in the best way. Hands tend to be drier than other parts of the body. Apply a thick layer of this pack on the back of your hands. You may cover it with any plastic gloves you have or leave them as it is for 15-20 minutes.
  • After the stipulated time, dip your hands in a bowl of milk or oats water on a table. 
  • Remove the mask in the bowl only by gentle rubbing. Let your hand be dipped for 10 more minutes for extra smoothness. 
  • Wash your hands in cold water finally. 
  • Now, apply your favorite oil on your hands. Almond oil is the best choice as it is high in vitamin E. Massage your hands and wear gloves if you can sleep with them on. In the morning, your hands would be soft like never before. 
  • You might want to take care of your nails too during this process.
Regular care would ensure your hands will never give away your age.

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