Friday, July 6, 2012

Strawberry Crepes

Grain Free and Paleo friendly Strawberry Crepes/Strawberry Sauce Recipe...

I can't wait to make this. I just purchased some strawberries and this sounds so yummy and to fill my sweet tooth..I am using coconut cream to fill and top.And I always keep coconut milk in the  fridge and pantry on hand.Looks like a perfect special Sunday breakfast to me.Paleo style..Got to love it~Tiffany

 Paleo Crepes

1/4 cup full fat canned coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut flour
8 egg whites (save the yolks for Paleo Custard Sauce)
2 whole eggs
2 TBSP melted coconut oil
1/4 tsp vanilla (optional)

Beat the egg whites and eggs with a wire whisk or hand mixer until a little frothy.  Then sift your coconut flour and add it in along with the remaining ingredients and beat really well. I have a wire whisk attachment on my hand mixer that works great for this.  
Heat a small skillet over medium heat with a little bit of Coconut oil in the pan so they don't stick if you are using a stainless steel pan, let it start smoking then pull the pan off the heat for a bit.  Reduce the heat to low (3 on my electric range) and pour in a small amount of batter  (about 3-4 TBSP) and swirl it around in the pan to coat the bottom and sides of the pan thinly.  Cook for a few minutes, watching closely, when the edges start to curl, flip it over and cook the other side.  I like to use a silicone spatula to loosen the edges a bit while it's cooking so it doesn't stick.  It usually takes less time on the second side.  Remove from the pan and either set aside or fill with your filling of choice either savory or sweet, fold and eat. Repeat these steps applying more coconut oil as needed to the pan (you don't need to heat it up just add at low temp).  This will make about 10 thin crepes.  

I started out just spreading it in the middle but found just spreading it over the whole crepe worked best.
For the Filling:  

Whipped Coconut Milk Cream: 
 Is what I used on the very top but it could also be used inside with the strawberries.  To make the Whipped Coconut Cream, just skim the thick part off the top of a can of full fat coconut milk.  Some brands are separated when you open them off the shelf and others will separate better if you chill them before opening.  Just be sure NOT to shake it, we don't want it to mix.  Skim off the nice creamy top leaving the thin watery part behind in the can.  Place in a bowl and beat with an electric mixer until desired volume is achieved.


4 cups of roughly chopped ripe strawberries (not overripe)
1/2 cup thawed, frozen apple juice concentrate (do not add water)

Wash and dry strawberries (be sure they are nice and dry), roughly chop (most of them I just cut into fourths).  Measure out 4 cups of the chopped strawberries and place into a small saucepan.  Add the 1/2 cup thawed apple juice concentrate and turn heat to medium.  Bring to a boil stirring occasionally, then let boil for 10 minutes stirring occasionally.  Reduce heat to low heat (like about 3 on my electric range) and allow the mixture to cook down until reduced to about half (again, stirring occasionally).  This will take about 20-25 minutes.  The mixture will start to get shiny and a little more clear looking near the end.  My first batch set up more than my second batch, and the only thing different was the berries, so just keep an eye on it and pull it off when it is done to your liking.  It will thicken up some when removed from the heat so keep that in mind.  Store any leftovers in the refrigerator for later.  
And as always, enjoy!

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