Sunday, July 8, 2012

DIY Lime Skin Brightening Mask


Hi everyone!
The summer season is about to end while rainy days are about to come and I know most of women would like to get back their fair and smooth skin. There are lots of beauty product to try in the market but yeah I am a big fan of Do-it-yourself beauty recipe so let’s get started!

2 pcs. limes
1 tsp honey
1 cup water
1 pc small dish for preparation

How to do:
1. Slice the limes and remove all its seeds.
2. Get the half sliced lime and squeeze it on the small dish.
3. Add a teaspoon of honey and mix it together with the lime juice.
4. Get a cup of water and squeeze the remaining limes and mix them. Put inside the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.
5. Okay!! on a clean face, apply the lime-honey mixture and use it like a mask. You will notice that it’s somehow watery but it’s okay… Just let it dry after you put it all.
6. Allow it to dry for 20 minutes and rinse with tap water.
7. For the final wash, use the water with lime juice that you put inside the refrigerator for a cold compress effect.
8. Pat dry your face and proceed with the other skin care steps.

TADDA!! Skin is now bright!! This way, you won’t feel that the lime is tingling on your skin because of the honey unless you have an active pimple.
This is advised to do if you have whitehads and blackheads as well but not on pimples or sunburned skin as they may get irritated. You can do this every-other day at night.
Don’t forget to use a sunscreen cause your skin may somehow peel.
Stay pretty, sweeties!

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