Monday, January 18, 2010

A hair oil recipe for faster hair growth {DIY}

Today, I am going to share with you all a unique hair oil which I use for my hair. This recipe has not been made in one go but has evolved over a considerable period of time. I hope it will be as beneficial for all of you as it has been to me.

Oils: Coconut oil, Mustard oil, Castor oil, Olive oil, Sesame oil, Vitamin E oil, Almond oil, Evening Primrose oil
Essential oils: Lavender, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Jasmine
Flowers: Rose, Lavender, Marigold, Chamomile, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Rosemary
Leaves: Sage, Neem, Curry, Hibiscus, Henna, Jasmine, Fenugreek
Other herbs: Dried Indian Gooseberry (amla), fenugreek seeds, dried lemon peels, dried orange peels
If you have Brahmi and Bhringraj leaves or oil, please add them to the recipe. They are really good for hair growth and its maintainence. Feel free to add any other ingredient which you think is good for hair. Do post the ingredients which you think should be added.

  • Dry 10 Indian Gooseberry under direct sunlight. Cut them into 4 pieces. Dry 5 lemon and orange peels under direct sunlight. Put these things into a huge glass jar. Pour 3 table spoons of fenugreek seeds. Then, fill the jar with leaves of 5 stems and 10 flowers of each type. Do not use any active herb which can turn bad while kept in the oil and turn the oil rancid. Feel free to change the quantities of herbs to be used according to the amount of oil you are making. The quantity stated above is for one litre oil.
  • Now, pour equal amounts of all the available oils in the jar except vitamin E oil. You may use a small bottle to pour the oils in the jar to maintain equal quantities of oils. Make sure all the oils are fresh.
  • Since Castor Oil is thick in consistency as compared to other oils, you can pour only 1/2 quantity of Castor oil as compared to other oils.
  • Close the jar tightly. Make sure it is an air-tight jar. Keeping oil too near to heat or open in the air causes the oil to oxidize, diminishes the nutritional quality and turns it rancid. Thus, you should never boil the oil. Always prefer to buy cold pressed oils.
  • Leave the jar in direct sunlight for a week or 10 days. Shake the jar daily to avoid settling the herbs at the bottom. After the stipulated period, strain the oil. Add 50 drops of each essential oil and Vitamin E oil. Your hair oil is ready. 
  • Make small batches of the oil so that you always get the benefits of the fresh oils. Every oil has a lifetime so be sure that you use the oils well before their expiry date or within six months, whichever is earlier.
  • You may avoid using the ingredients which you are not comfortable with. Many people do not get used to henna as it dries their hair. Similarly, lemon adds shine to hair and removes dandruff but can be drying for dry hair. Choose the ingredients wisely. Same is the case with oils. If your hair does not accept a particular oil, do not use the oil. 
  • You may infuse all the above-stated herbs in your favorite hair oil too. Combining all the oils is only done to get the benefits of various oils.

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