Thursday, August 16, 2012

You can get hungry for water!! {Health}

We all get hunger pangs at different times of day. But, the weirdest thing I read about these hunger pangs was that sometimes, our body needs water and sends us signals which we misinterpret as hunger pangs and gorge in on the food and lead to excess of calories. 

In fact, the moment I was reading this piece of book (which I shall talk about in a week), I was feeling damn hungry. I try to make my dinner light and that day, I went for a long walk after my dinner. Consequently, I thought that my dinner is all digested and my body needs more fuel. 

I was thinking on what snacks to binge on but I came across this piece of information. And, funnily enough, I recalled that I had not had water since an hour or two so I fortified myself with water and voila, no hunger pangs any more!! So, if you ever feel hungry, try drinking water. It may be as simple as that!

Did you ever come across such piece of information?


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