Friday, August 17, 2012

Chocolate Sugar Body Scrub {DIY}

After a really long time, I resorted to some DIY and I have huge expired Cadbury cocoa powder jar. So, what can be a better way to use it all :) Enjoy the recipe and don't forget to try it out!!

Mix them all in a container. Make sure that you use a steel one if you plan to use essential oils. Plastic can change the composition. Add honey at the end just when you are about to enter the shower otherwise the sugar would melt!! When you mix the ingredients, it becomes a chocolate mousse (a little thick in consistency) and smells all of chocolate. In fact, it was a waste for me to add the body oil as its smell got masked by that of the cocoa powder. But, I guess essential oil should be good. Give it a try!!

Well exfoliated skin which smells delicious and is so soft and hydrated. If possible, after scrubbing, keep the mask on for 5-10 minutes. Definitely recommended for a home pampering session.

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