Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An easy way to keep her skin healthy!

Whether you are like me or not the technique of Yarrow, the step of cleaning your face is important. Indeed, it is through this that the pores are deep cleaned, the makeup and other impurities will be eliminated and excess oil will be removed.

A good cleaning of the face is an easy way to keep her skin healthy!

Here are some tips that might be useful:

Step 1 >> <<

First, start washing your hands to avoid germs on your hands are transferred to your face. Then, you start with good cleansing eyes (stage of cleansing oil for layering) with your standard makeup before going to clean the skin.

<< 2 >> Step

Wet your entire face with warm water, hot water too might damage your skin and leave red marks on the nose or cheeks (especially if you like me to rosacea). Then put your regular cleanser on your hands and rub the product between your fingers before applying it on your face. When done, gently massage your skin in small circular motions. Start with your forehead to the nose and then cheeks and lower face, chin to finish by the neck.

Step 3 >> <<

Rinse your face! One of the best ways to determine if contaminants were completely removed, is to use a muslin cloth types at the time to rinse your face. This fabric may also act as a scrub to remove dead skin small.

Step 4 >> <<

Finish by spraying your face two or three times with cold water to close pores well (as hair) and then wipe your face in the "tapping" gently to avoid irritating it.

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