Friday, June 11, 2010

How to Get rid of Blackheads

Well, blackheads are a very universal problem. Getting rid of them is not very easy. Blackheads are actually the dirt which settles in your pores and turns black due to oxidation when it comes in contact with the air. So, this is a recurring problem. It is not like you get rid of it once and it never comes back again. Regular exfoliation is one of the methods to get rid of blackheads. I shall be posting one remedy which my friend has suggested to me once.

Steaming is your solution. Well, it is just synonymous to exfoliation. Take boiled water in a pot, cover yourself and the pot with a towel and do not let the steam escape. Let the steam open your pores. Now, take a soft wash cloth and dip it in pot. Let the wash cloth cool to a tolerable temperature and now gently rub your nose area with the wash cloth. Remember not to rub hard as it will peel off your skin. Do it gently and patiently. Do this for 5-10 minutes as long as you are comfortable. You can follow this procedure by exfoliating the whole face too. Wash off with cold water (as cold as you can bear) to close the pores. Follow with a very light moisturizer if you want or best is to leave your skin as it is.

Now, one of the rules for not getting blackheads is to keep your skin clean. Whenever we apply any kind of moisturizer or cream on our face, it closes the pores. The pores on the nose are bigger than that of the face so they get blocked easily and the dirt in them shows conspicuously. So, keep your face clean and non-greasy all day long.

Another remedy to get rid of blackheads is lemon juice. Apply lemon juice on your nose and extend it up to the cheeks covering all the crevices too. It will dry in a matter of seconds. Go to sleep. Wash your face with cold water only in the morning. Follow this as frequently as you can and you should notice some change in two weeks or a month depending on your frequency of application. 

Third remedy which I have not tried is to buy some nose pore cleanser strips from a dug store and using them. I am not sure about their effectiveness. But, I think they should be fine for a quick fix job. Though I have suggested it, please remember that the pore strips are not good for skin. They also have the same harmful ingredients as are present in the refreshing wipes like alcohol and other preservatives. So, try to keep their usage to a minimum.
[How do you get rid of your blackheads??]

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