Friday, January 22, 2010

How to do Hot Oil Treatment for faster hair growth? {Hair Care}

Today, I would be talking about how to do Hot Oil Treatment. You can also read the hair oil recipe for growing hair faster.

Do not heat the oil. Instead take a steam after oiling your hair. Partition your hair into various sections. Pour some oil into your hand and apply it on the scalp first. Cover the entire scalp. Massage oil well into the scalp for 5 minutes at each part. Then, start applying oil to the body of your hair and concentrate on the ends. Be generous with the amount of oil on your head. Do not worry about greasing your hair. Do it at evening time when you do not have any appointments and it would be great if you have a friend who can give you a nice head massage.

After applying the oil to your hair completely, massage your scalp for 15-30 minutes. You would feel the heat generating. Immediately, either steam your hair by placing your head about 1 feet over the steam machine or cover your head with a shower cap and place a very hot towel on your head. Heat opens the pores and allows the oil to get absorbed more and quick. When the towel gets cold, replace it with other hot towel and alternate this routine for 1 hour. You can continue with the shower cap routine even after taking steam. Then, tie a scarf tightly over the shower cap and go to sleep. Leave the oil overnight to work better. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo in the morning. Apply conditioner only to the ends. You will have very soft and shiny hair. And, a weekly hot oil treatment with any oil would stimulate more hair growth.

Update: Hot Oil Treatment gives best results if done one night before washing your hair. But, applying oil immediately and going to bed will not help anything except spoiling your bed linens. So, apply oil two hours before going to bed. That gives oil enough time to get soaked into your hair.

One more important thing to remember is that do not over apply your hair oil. Take little by little and apply on your hair. Stop when all your scalp and hair length is covered. Do not keep on splurging the oil like some product. That will finish your shampoo quickly, dry your hair and might even cause hair loss. So, apply only to coat your hair. Be a little generous with the ends. Extra layers of coating will not ensure your hair turns healthy sooner or any kind of such belief.

How many times do you give your hair this luxurious treatment?  Pin It

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