Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sleep more to lose weight

Are you hooked to chewing your food yet? Here comes the next habit. I have already discussed this in a way. But, this time I would discuss this in context with weight loss.

Today's Habit: Proper Sleep is essential for weight loss.

Sleep is a very complex activity. We all know that. So, how does it contribute to weight loss? Sleep stabilizes the body functioning by releasing certain hormones. It relaxes the body and makes it function properly. So, not sleeping properly leads to hormonal problems. 

There is a hormone which makes us feel hungry. It is Ghrelin. Studies show that people who have trouble getting proper sleep produce more of this hormone which in turn increases your cravings and you eat more than your body can handle. And, these cravings are more for the junk food. Did you ever feel that you want to eat junk food? I do, sometimes. Now, we know the reason.
Then, there is another hormone, Leptin, which sends signal to our brain when you should stop eating. When you do not sleep properly, these hormones are produced in less quantity and obviously, when you do not know when to stop eating, you would end up eating more. 

So, now that you know that sleep can cause bad hormonal imbalances which lead to obesity, you should start taking proper sleep. Regular exercises aid proper sleep. Make sure you go to bed early and take deep sleep according to your body requirements.

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