Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chew more to lose weight

Cute one, don't you think????
Last week, I talked about walking as a simple exercise to kick start your day and reduce your weight. Today, I am talking about a habit which is often overlooked. But, it is the key to enjoy food and derive all the vital nutrients from it. Developing this habit would need a more conscious effort than others but it is the one which pays out the maximum.

Today's Habit: Chew every morsel of your meal 35 times before swallowing.

More you chew the food, more you are diluting it and breaking it down. Obviously, by doing this, you are helping your body to extract nutrients from it and digest the leftover and pass out the waste from the system. Chewing your food more sends your brain signals when you are full and need not eat more. This is not possible when you are, literally, galloping your food down your oesophagus. And, not only that, chewing restricts the amount of food you intake putting a control on over-eating tendencies. Thus, you consume less calories, extract more nutrients and help your body ingest those nutrients easily. This also increases the body metabolism as it has less work to do. 

Breaking down the food is a very huge process for the body which needs lot of energy and sometimes, the food is excreted out of the body as it is without the nutrients being extracted from it which means you just added fat to your body but no vitamins or minerals. When you chew the food, your taste buds derive more pleasure with all the tastes. So, if you ever meet a food critic, you would notice they chew more to analyze every bit of taste which is brought to their palette. Become a food critic and remain thin. 

I know it is almost impossible to develop this habit. Even, I had to instruct my mouth consciously to chew every morsel I eat at least 35 times. But, it was worth the effort. So, next time you sit down for a meal, remember to count 35 every time you put something in your mouth. Some of the food gets dissolved before you chew it 35 times but some foods need more chewing like salads and rice. To break them down, continue chewing till they completely dissolve in your mouth after counting 35. The effects will show in a month of your developing this habit. You would feel more fuller with less intake and more healthy than ever before.

So, how many times do you chew your food?? Pin It

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