Monday, March 1, 2010

Get rid of those Large Pores

So, as February draws to an end and already two months of the new year over, I would like to conclude my February with a post on getting rid of the large pores on your face.First of all, I would like to tell you that the size of the pores on your face also depend on your genes. Some people have by birth large pores and it can become very difficult for them to get rid of the size of the pores. And, large pores also give us an older look and not so smooth skin. And, the pores size of worst visible on the bridge of our nose. Here, I would be sharing with you certain home remedies to minimize the size of the pores on your face. These home remedies I am going to discuss are also anti-aging and skin firming masks.
  • The first mask is egg white and honey. Blend egg white with honey in a thick consistency. And, apply on your face. Wait till it dries up and wash off. Follow with a good moisturizer.
  • The second home remedy is to apply tomato juice on the face. We have already read about how tomato juice is helpful for hair. Now, lets learn about its importance to the face. It brings a glow to your face and also helps in reducing the pores size. A regular use will help a lot and show results in about a month. 
  • Third is the usage of Clay Masks. We have already read about why the clay masks are so important. Now, it is time to use them to reduce the size of your pores and firm up your skin. They give toned look to your face.
So, gear up and go for a smooth and flawless skin. And, wish you and your family a very happy Holi.

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