Saturday, March 6, 2010

A refreshing homemade face spray

So, as the summers draw close, we all need to gear up for combating the hot and scorching days and keep our skin looking fresh and supple as ever. So, I would like to share with you the recipe for a refreshing face spray which can be used to make your skin feel look supple all day long. 

- 2 cups Boiling water (distilled, bottled or filtered water)
- 1 Vitamin E tablet (preservative)
- Lemon peels (any citrus fruit peels)
Mix the vitamin E oil in the boiled water. Put the peels in a bowl and pour the freshly boiled water and let it stay overnight. Pour the mixture next morning in a spray bottle and your face spray is ready. Make small batches to ensure the freshness. You can also mix your favorite essential oils. You might also improvise by adding fresh rose, lavender or jasmine petals with the peels. And, you can also add Aloevera gel taken straight from the plant. It would be better if you do not add anything commercial as the product is homemade and without preservatives. Do not forget to shake the bottle every time before use.

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