Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Learn the best habits for "THAT" perfect skin

Those of us, who do not quite possess the best of the hairs, skin and body among their friends and acquaintances, always envy "THAT" perfect skin, hair or body. They always wish for a miracle medicine which will grant them all three and make them beautiful. They are so desperate that they end up trying everything they read and, mark my words, ruining themselves even more. Yes, I am sure, many of us can identify with such situations. 
Ok, here is some preaching before I come on to the real motive of my post. Please accept yourself and the way you are. Your life would be much easier. Do not sit and crib for every pimple and acne you get. Trust me they multiply into more if you complain and they silently go away if you accept. Sometimes, these are just result of hormonal changes occurring in our bodies. So, do not worry, the phase would get over very soon. 
Now, I would like to present to you the 10 best habits to get the perfect skin. Inculcate them into your daily routine and you are on your way to a flawless skin.

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