Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sunscreen: Role in anti-aging Skin Care {Sunscreen}

Aging is the biggest worry of everyone. No one really wants to be old. Even, I dread my birthdays though I wait for them whole year. I remember how I felt when I turned 18 and then, at 20 and now, I will be hitting 24. The clocks and years seem to be running. But, yes, you can turn the years back. Follow the tips I am going to talk about today and see the results for yourself in a month. 

No one can ever stop talking about its benefits for your skin. Sun is the biggest enemy of our skin. The hypes UVA and UVB are for real and their effects can range from simple skin disorders to skin cancer. So, do not take sun for granted. Apply sunscreen religiously and reapply after every 2 hours. Try to stay away from sun between 10 and 4. The rays are the strongest and at their worst.

If you are outside, stand in shade, put on a hat, cover yourself completely. Do not worry if you look like thief or a militant. Its really important. In any case you are concerned about being a fashion disaster, you can buy wide-brimmed stylish hats or learn to tie scarves in an elegant manner. And, wear well-fitting full-sleeved T-shirts or tops. They look elegant.

If at home, do not close windows and doors to stop the sunlight. Allow your house to be filled with as much natural light as possible. It is good for your health and very hygienic. The sunlight cleans our surroundings. But, remember that UVA comes theough windows also. So, never forget to wear a sunscreen while at home too.
Use a high-factor sunscreen like 30SPF. It is ideal for Indian climate. High-sunscreen factor gives you a better protection for a longer time. But, no matter what, you have to apply it after every 2 hours.

Speaking of sunscreen, there is a very important thing which has never been emphasized. Many people are sensitive to light and they do not  even realize it. They get certain skin disorders which are never diagnosed correctly. Recently, I went down with a skin disorder and consulted a dermatologist. She said that I am sensitive to light and am supposed to protect my skin from the light emanating from the tube lights and floroscent bulbs too. They also emit radiations which are harmful for our body. So, either switch to filament bulbs or cover your skin well under the lights. Do not let the direct light strike your skin. You can sit behind a curtain or some covering. And, sleep with your lights switched off.

Type of Sunscreens
Sunscreens are either physical or chemical.
Chemical Sunscreens are ones which you are supposed to apply 30 minutes  prior to going under the sun. They create a film on the skin and prevent the absorption of sun's rays into the body. So, they have to be applied a little prior to sun exposure and they should be applied as close to the body as possible. It is often best that only sunscreen is applied on the face. They have many compounds like Avobenzone, Benzophenone, Oxybenzone and many more.  These compounds get absorbed into the skin easily and affect the body internally. Read this article to know more about it.
Physical Sunscreens provide physical protection to the body. Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide are the compounds found in physical sunscreens. They can be applied just as moisturizers and you can immediately go in the sun. They do not have the dangers involved in chemical sunscreens. But, beware of the nano particles of titanium dioxide used in the products. They enter the blood stream and create havoc in the body. It is extremely toxic.
But, unfortunately, there is no natural sunscreen which can provide resistance from both UVA and UVB as effectively as the commercial sunscreens. Thus, my advise would be that you can buy a sunscreen whose key ingredient is zinc oxide. It would be the safest bet.

Foods you can eat to improve your body resistance to sun's rays
And, eat lot of tomatoes and spinach. Both of them have capacity to increase the body resistance against sun's rays. Do not forget other green leafy vegetables which also provide resistance against the sun. Increase your resistance internally and externally to sun.

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