Thursday, January 7, 2010

Honey: Elexir for Hair and Skin {Ingredient}

Honey is a natural humectant. It traps moisture and keeps your skin supple. It is anti-bacterial and prevents the skin breakouts. Many of the skin care and hair care products swear by the goodness of honey. The home remedies have their stock full of goodness of honey.
  • put on a thick layer of honey on your face for 30 minutes and wash off.
  • to remove scars, blemishes, even out complexion or any other marks on skin, apply honey on it.
  • use it as an ingredients of various face masks.
  • use it to clean your eyes
  • use it as a hair conditioner (wash off or leave-in)
  • use it as a last rinse for shine
  • pour a table spoon of honey in bath water for a silky smooth skin

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