Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tips Forming Beautiful Breasts

For some women the breast is an organ essential to attract men. Not a few women who lack confidence in the shape of her breasts. Every effort is only a woman can do to enhance your breast shape. Money does not matter in shaping the breast. There's even willing to undergo a very risky things such as injectable silicone. Actually, to obtain the beauty of the breasts if we want to try and work a little harder, a lot of ways to get it without spending lots of money even to inject silicone all. Here's how to how to shape a woman's breast to appear confident.Movement 1
  • Both hands hold each other in front of the chest. Left hand holding the arm just below the right elbow. While the right hand is also holding the arm just below the left elbow, forming a rectangle.
  • Push the right wrist to the left, and left wrist at the same time pushed to the right until your breasts feel moved.
  • Do 3 × 8 count.

Movement 2
  • Stretch both arms forward, bend your elbows with clenched hands.
  • Move your hand up and down, toward the inside, to alternate between the left and right, without touching each other, until the breasts feel up and down.
  • Do 3 × 8 count.

Movement 3
  • Stretch both arms forward, bend your elbows with clenched hands.
  • Lift both hands up to the breast muscle was interested.
  • Do 3 × 8 count.

Movement 4
  • To the top right hand and left hand on the waist.
  • Pull your right hand to the back until the breasts feel interested.
  • Do 3 × 8 count.
  • Do it on the other hand.

Movement 5
  • Raise your hands up with palms facing up, turn toward the front and back both hands to lift the arms over the inside of the breast. So removing the breast from below.
  • Do 3 × 8 count.

Movement 6
  • Both hands on the side.
  • Pull hands back as far as possible until the breasts feel uplifted.
  • Do 3 × 8 count.

  • These movements can be done standing or sitting position.
  • Each exercise, the body in an upright position and is pulled into the stomach.
  • Interspersed with a break of about 10 minutes.
  • Avoid habits that make breasts look down, such as bowing.

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