Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lip Care Tips Always Beautiful, Healthy and Sensual

Soft and smooth lips are an indicator of physical beauty. The skin around the lips is usually less memilili oil glands, making it so easy to dry and cracked. You need to do to increase the level of special perawaan akelembabanya. Especially when the change of seasons, the lips need special attention. Here are some steps you can do to make your lips soft and smooth.

1. Always apply a natural lip balm to protect lips.
2. Do a light massage on the lips with special lip cream and dab a little on the lips at night for protection of nature.
3. Soak a black tea bag in warm water and press-press of the lips for three minutes. This will increase the level of the skin on your lips kelembabab.
4. To make the lips relax, make a natural mask with papaya juice is thick. Put on a soft towel and rub gently around the lips. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse and apply lip balm. Papaya contains enzymes that function and may help slough off dead skin peeling on the lips and polished.
5. Do not lick lips repeatedly.
6. Clean lipstick before you go to bed with a special cleaner and do not forget to apply lip lip balm for protection.
7. Do not forget to always apply a lip balm before applying lipstick.


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