Sunday, June 13, 2010

Spinach - Lettuce Juice for Luxurious Hair

Nutrition is one of the most important necessities for having a luxurious head of hair. See this post for a detailed list of six foods which will not only help your hair grow but also cuts down hair loss and improves the quality and texture of your hair.

Along with these foods, you can accompany your meal with a drink which will help fulfilling your nutrition. Spinach - Lettuce Juice. Every day in the morning or evening, drink a glass of this drink. 

How to make the drink?
- 1 bunch spinach leaves
- 1 bunch lettuce (Salad Patta or Kasmisaag) leaves (can be substituted with cabbage)
- 1 lemon
- other spices

- Wash the leaves properly first.
- If using a juicer, slice the lemon and put it int he juicer along with the leaves.
- If using a mixi or a grinder, grind the leaves properly and put the mixture in a cheese cloth or a muslin sieve and squeeze the complete juice out. Squeeze a little lemon juice for a tangy flavor and you can add any spices if you feel like. I would suggest black pepper as it is also good for hair and gives a spicy flavor to the drink. You can make a mask of the left over leaves paste or use them as a garnish on your salad or any dish. 
- Drink a whole glass of juice everyday.

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