Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Unboxing: My Beauty Box

Slovenia got a new beauty box service, called My Beauty Box. I wanted to write the next part about the box in general in English because I don't like writing in Slovene, but that'd be rather pointless considering international readers can't get our box, however, the reviews of products are a different story, so scroll down over my incoherent babbling in Slovene to see what I think of the products. 

V Slovenijo je prišla nova lepotna škatla imenovana My Beauty Box. Kolikor vem, smo blogerke šele poskusni zajčki, trgovino pa bodo odprli kmalu in verjetno tudi takrat oznanili končno ceno, ampak naj bi bila okrog 14,90€ (po informacijah Sare iz Passing Fancy). Stran imajo že postavljeno, ampak za zdaj te tam čaka samo njihov kontakt, da jih lahko vprašaš kaj te zanima. Imajo tudi že Instagram in Facebook

Te škatle presenečenja, ki so dejansko samo kozmetična nadgradnja vrečk, ki smo jih kupovali kot otroci, me pravzaprav niso nikoli pritegnile, saj plačevati toliko za testerje, od katerih ti bo všeč morda eden ali dva ni po mojem okusu, ampak par let nazaj je bila prava norija za temi škatlami in mislim, da jih je večina zelo vesela. Sprejela sem eno škatlo za preizkušnjo, da vsaj enkrat v življenju vidim kako to izgleda in moram priznati, da tako lepe škatle kar nisem pričakovala. Kar se tiče embalaže jim dam 10 točk, saj je škatla tako lepa in kvalitetna, da jo bom zagotovo porabila za druge stvari. Ko škatlo odpreš te pričaka prikupna pentljica in lep papir z motivi ličil - to so mali detajli, ki res naredijo vtis. V škatli je bilo pet izdelkov: 
• Essijev lak v odtenku Merino Cool, 
• tester Ginvera Green Tea Nude Cover BB kreme (8g), 
• tester vrečica Macadamia Natural oil Deep Repair maske (15 ml), 
• Tattify začasni tatuji in 
• Tepigs čaj z okusom limone in ingverja. 

Če gledamo cene Essie stane 9,90 € (cena v DM-ih, ampak tega odtenka v novomeškem DM-u ni), 40 ml Ginvera BB kreme stane £24,95 (po mojem hitrem zanič izračunu je v testerju za približno 7 € izdelka), 30 ml tester vrečkica Macadamia Deep Repair maske stane 4,20 € (Beauty Bay), torej je ta vredna 2,10 €, Tattify Tattoja sta 5 $ in Teapigs čaji (2 vrečke) so £1,30. Vsebino zagotovo ne preplačaš, koliko vas je pa navdušila je pa čisto subjektivna zadeva. Sama sem mnenja, da so na dobri poti, sploh laka sem zelo vesela, ampak bi si želela samo kozmetične izdelke, sicer pa kot pravim, vsake oči imajo svojega malarja.

ESSIE Nail Lacquer
Merino Cool

Undoubtedly the most exciting product in the box. I immediately loved the colour as it's a proper autumnal shade and I already included it in my Autumn Picks. Merino Cool it's a mix of purple with grey and it's very likely that they decided to include it to match the box, which was pretty cool of them. The formula is an average one, it needs two coats, sometimes three coats for full opacity and it's fuss free to apply. I know many people find Essie's are just not worth it, but I really like them.

GINVERA Green Tea Nude Cover BB Cream

I remember a British blogger raving about this, about how it's her HG base, but I don't know who it was. The box contains an 8 g sample, which is a decent size, however, the tube is not full - still it lasts quite a few applications. It comes in only one shade, which is just lazy, how could you possibly expect that it will fit everyone? It's quite a dark shade from my perspective. It's darker than my darkest foundation Catrice's Nude Illusion in 010, but at least it's a neutral shade and it didn't end up looking too off on me also because of the coverage. The latter is light, with additional layers it can be built up to light-medium, but you'll definitely need concealer for under the eyes, redness and spots. The texture is very light, it blends beautifully and sets fast, in fact it reminds me of a less greasy version of Missha's Signature BB Cream. It looks very natural on the skin, it just sort of melts into the skin and it has that Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum effect, where it's not obvious you're wearing anything. I really like how it looks on the skin, only it sometimes looks a bit weird on my pores, but I think this has to do with my skin condition and not this BB. It has a strong, but pleasant scent of green tea.

It's nice, albeit expensive, but the texture of it is really lovely. If only they were sensible enough to create more shades, they might even get me as a customer.

TATTIFY Temporary Tattoos

The tattoo craze passed me by completely. In fact, I'm one of those grumpy people that does not like looking like a human doodle, but I digress. There are temporary tattoos, not unlike those we had as kids. I'll be brutally honest here, I'd probably get a better quality tattoo in one of the kids chewing gums than this. My picture doesn't lie, but the result I got bummed me out. It didn't transfer well and I followed the instructions to the letter, plus it was essentially falling apart after an hour. I didn't try the other one, to see if the one I tried was faulty, but might update you if that one is better. The design is pretty, though.

MACADAMIA Deep Repair Masque

I've already got a review of this where you can read how unimpressed I was by this. It's incredibly popular and people rave about it, but it just doesn't work on my hair. Having said that, my mom loves it for some reason and I keep buying her pots of this. It's a thick hair treatment that I expected would be super nourishing, but it made my hair very frizzy that's why I didn't like it. But again, I hear it works for a majority of people judging from the rating on MUA. 

TEAPIGS Lazy Days Tea
Lemon and Ginger
They just had to include tea *sighs* Yes, I sound spoiled and I'm aware many people would be very happy to get it in their box, but I'm not one of them. I want beauty products in my box - what a shocking revelation. It's a British brand that uses whole leaf only and their tea bags are one of those pyramid ones. I didn't drink it, I doubt I ever will as I mostly drink only home-grown camomile tea, but it smells like lemon. Sara says these are supposedly really good and she's really into teas, so listen to her not silly little me.

So what do you think about the box? Have a great day!

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