Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dare to Change : Use Stairs

I am starting a new series starting this month. Since I have changed the place of my dwelling, it has given me a new energy and I want to explore myself beyond I have ever gone. So, I shall start with simple challenges and might move on difficult ones. For now, I have a simple challenge:
"Avoid lifts and Use Stairs especially when going up!!"
My apartment is on 5th floor and I am getting an overdose of potatoes these days :( So, keeping my weight in control is getting damn difficult. So, I hit upon this simplest solution to use the stairs instead of the lift. I have already been trying this out for a couple of days and today morning, its brought me to a point that I am not really able to walk :( I am feeling lethargic and can feel a little pain in the legs. 

Ok, I have never been an athlete in my life and have hardly exercised so this simple work actually seems pretty heavy for me. You can say that on average, I have to climb up 5 flights of stairs 2-3 times a day and probably none on weekends if I sit around being lazy and lying down. Anyways, I do feel muscles in places I have never felt before and its fun in its own way :D 

PS: Ok, there is one relief in this resolve. I can use the stairs lift while coming down if I am getting late or feel too tired.

So, the Dare to Change series is a push to change my lifestyle for the better. Would you care to join in?

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