Thursday, August 16, 2012

Breakfast Ideas

Taking a break from eggs.We eat alot of them in this house and I love new ideas so I don't burn myself and my family out.Here are some great Paleo inspired breakfast ideas.

1. Diced Chicken and a Smoothie – We love dicing chicken, sautéing it in coconut oil with a little salt and pepper, and just finger-fooding it.  Pair it with a coconut milk smoothie, and it’s a perfect, filling breakfast.
Make ahead: you can definitely do this the night before and pop it in the fridge.  Just re-heat the chicken in the morning, grab your smoothie from the fridge, and you’re good to go!

2. Breakfast Sausage and Sweet Potato – I love picking up some local, pastured pork sausage from my Farmer’s Market.  It is already spiced with sage, and several other ingredients.  I form them into patties, and cook them in coconut oil until they are no longer pink inside.  Pair with some buttered (grass-fed!) sweet potato, and you have an amazing combination!
Make ahead: I like to cook my sweet potatoes ahead, or leftover from a nights dinner with them.   Add a little salt and lots of grass-fed butter, and then refrigerate.  In the morning, I like to cut up the sausages and heat them with the sweet potatoes.  SO good!

3. Bacon and….. Anything!  We love bacon.  Our favorite brand is Applegate Organics Sunday Bacon.  And guess what?  It goes with more than just eggs.  We usually pair it with some leftover veggies that have been hiding in the fridge from a recent dinner.
Make ahead: I have definitely cooked bacon the night before, and it is still almost as yummy re-heated the next morning.  However, my favorite way to enjoy bacon is to set my alarm 20 minutes early, run to the kitchen to toss the bacon in the oven, and then hop back in bed until it’s ready.  There is nothing like waking up to the smell (and taste!) of fresh-cooked bacon.

4. Leftovers!  Breakfast food does not have to be breakfast food.  Do yourself a favor and get over the notion that you can’t have Paleo Spaghetti, steaks, or beef stew for breakfast.  This morning I had leftover “secret liver burgers,” leftover swiss chard/onion saute, sauerkraut, homemade ketchup, and decaf coffee (with full-fat coconut milk and cinnamon). It was delicious and very filling!
Make ahead: No instructions needed here!

5. Primal Oatmeal – We love this recipe from Mark Sisson. 
Make ahead: This can also be made the night before!  Just pop it in the microwave with some extra coconut milk or almond milk, stir, and top with a little cinnamon.  It’s a nice, warm breakfast for cool, cozy mornings.

6. Garden MeatballsThese are perfect little breakfast packages.  They are made with grass-fed beef, and packed with veggies.  Pair with some sauerkraut, and you have a fantastic combination!
Make ahead: These are great pre-made, and even frozen ahead of time.  Pop them in a toaster oven for a quick re-heat.  YUM!

7. “Cereal”This is a yummy little breakfast, but I definitely recommend making it with coconut milk rather than almond milk.  You will get some good fat from the coconut milk, and it will be much more filling than a nut milk.
Make ahead: You can definitely chop your fruit and nuts the night before.  Then just pour the coconut milk in the morning, and enjoy!

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