Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Serial No Acne

Apparently a lot of natural ingredients that if we can at home to ward off acne.Acne?! Who's afraid! Well, if it still says the ad. But honestly we as women have their own fears when our acne appears on the face smooth. We have been puzzled confusion, and nervousness, how it should treat facial acne.
Many factors can trigger the appearance of acne is heredity, diet, psychological factors also affect, for example when coming months, pollution, stress. The use of cosmetics that do not fit or are taking certain medications can cause acne. Until saai, there is no drug that can cure acne completely. However much effort you can do to help cure or at least reduce the growth of acne.Use the correct product
Do not be tempted perfunctory and advertising. try to be more specific in choosing a nutritious see beauty products hereFacial
Oily skin or facial acne which had a tendency to appear to be cleaned twice a day. Highly recommended to wash your face with a cleanser that its slightly acidic pH to maintain the cleanliness of facial acne.

Betel leaf
Steeping water 7-10 betel leaves (Piper betle) effective to kill bacteria that cause acne so it can be used to wash your face two or three times a day.

Ice water
According to the experience of some people, wash your face with ice water can also reduce acne. This is believed to reduce the oil on the face.

Starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi), finely ground and mixed with a little salt water can also be used to clean the facial acne. According to some dermatologists, starfruit is cool, and efficacious as an anti-inflammatory and astringent (minimize the pores of the skin).

Dauh Tea
Facial acne is also better if steamed with fresh brewed tea leaves a pack. Small packet of tea leaves are brewed with the new hot water boil, then uapkan a pimpled face.Mask

Noni Fruit
While noni fruit can be used as a facial mask pemulus. Noni not only masks acne, skin fungus, skin wrinkles and dry matter was lost, the muscles of the face become more relaxed.

Lime (Citrus aurantium) is applied to the face at night before bed and had cleaned in the morning, can be used to eliminate acne. The same thing can be done with pieces of tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum).

Wild Ginger
Other masks that can be used to overcome acne is a mask of ginger (Curcuma xanthorizza). Compress your face with ice water after using the mask will help improve results.

Mahkota Dewa, Jambu Batu & Aloe Vera
Leaf and crown the god of gods is also efficacious as a cure acne. Other plants that can be used as anti acne mask is the collision of stone guava leaf (Psidium guajava). Aloe vera (Aloe vera) is famous for smoothing the skin can also be used as a mask acne remover.

Potato (Solanum tuberosum Potato) also can compress on the acne. Pieces of sliced ​​potatoes thinly applied to the skin is inflamed due to acne until potatoes grayish color and dry.

Young Corn & Bengkoang
While the black spots on the face of acne scars can be removed with a mask of maize (Zea mays) young or bengkoang. Grated corn or bengkoang applied to black parts and let stand until dry.

Gelatin To Remove Blackheads
Type of acne blackheads can be removed with a peel-off mask made of gelatin. Ingredients: one tablespoon of gelatin powder that can be bought in supermarkets, two tablespoons of cold milk, and one egg white grains. Cold milk and gelatin are mixed and then heated, the guard not to clot. Once melted, let cool until warm, then mix with egg white. Apply the mixture to the face, except around the eyes and lips.Good luck.

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