Monday, July 9, 2012

How To Use African Black Soap

How to Use African Black Soap
Photo Credit Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
African black soap originated in Ghana and other parts of West Africa and is believed to help relieve acne and oily skin, as well as inflammatory conditions like eczema. Africans use this soap for general bathing, as a shampoo and as a face mask. Authentic black soap is not actually black but dark brown. It is made from roasted plantains and other plant matter and is combined with an oil like coconut oil or shea butter. True African black soap is soft and malleable, has no scent and should not stain your wash cloth.

Washing with African Black Soap

Step 1

Cut a small portion of soap off the main bar. If you are only washing your face, use approximately 1-inch square or the size of a screw-on cap from a soda bottle. If you are washing your whole body, try a sliver roughly the size of your thumb.

Step 2

Splash your face with warm water, to open the pores and put on the exfoliating gloves. Run the sliver of soap under the warm water. Knead the soap to generate lather and saturate the gloves. Rub your face, gently, in a circular motion. The exfoliating gloves will help take care of any blemishes.

Step 3

Rinse your face, thoroughly, with warm water. Pat your face dry with a soft, clean, towel.

African Black Soap Face Mask

Step 1

Cut a small portion of soap off the main bar--approximately 1-inch square or the size of a screw-on cap from a soda bottle.

Step 2

Put the soap in a dish with 2 oz. of warm distilled or filtered water. Let the soap sit for 10 minutes, or until it becomes mushy. Mash the soap with your fingers and mix 2 oz. raw honey in with the mashed soap. Mix thoroughly to ensure that all the honey is incorporated.

Step 3

Apply the honey/soap mixture to your neck and face as you would any other face mask. Leave the mask on for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse your face in warm water. If desired, use a the exfoliating gloves for extra cleansing as you rinse. Pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.

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