Saturday, July 21, 2012

How To Take Care Skin

How To Take Care Skin. The skin is very sensitive body parts for those of you who are always concerned about the appearance certainly did not want anything to happen to your skin. therefore Latest Info Blog will provide a variety of Skin Care How good it is for scabby skin, sensitive skin or skin that you always look pretty and white of course in a natural way.

How To Skin Care

In this article I will explain in detail How Natural Skin Care and certainly the results will look perfect if done correctly and regularly. you need to know before you have to understand what kind of skin type. to know the kind of skin type below are some kinds of skin types.Types Skin Type:1. Normal skinThis type of skin condition characterized by a not too dry, but not too greasy. Pores of the skin is not too besar.Ditengah face still looks fresh and bersih.Jarang having acne problems. Only in certain conditions such as menstruation, or when the body's metabolism is not good, sometimes there is acne.2. Oily SkinOily skin types require more attention and care. The amount of oil released by this type of skin makes acne and blemishes often appear.3. Dry SkinSkin type is characterized by a skin condition that is always dry, dry skin is caused by insufficient oil produced by oil glands, making the skin becomes dry.4. Sensitive SkinSensitive skin types are very easily broken, the cause of sensitive skin that often cause problems are environmental, such as dust, dirt, sun, etc..Chemicals contained in perfumes can also cause problems in sensitive skin types. Mild skin care products that will be better for sensitive skin types.5. Combination Skin TypesThis skin type is a combination of dry and oily skin types.Well now you know the type of skin you have, from there you can mngetahui types of skin care that works for your skin. for more details I will explain below How to Skin Care.Below is a Natural Skin Care How to please scrutiny.How To Skin Care
How to Prevent Dry Skin:

Gunakaknlah regular moisturizer every day. if your skin is sensitive skin then do not use moisturizers that contain fragrances because chemicals from perfume will cause problems, you should pilihkah care products are mild and do not contain chemicals.
Do not use a scrub.
Drink plenty of water for a minimum of 2-3 liters per day. Besides being able to make skin look dull, water is also very good for our health.
Avoid drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee.
Do not over wash your face as if it too often your skin will lose moisture naturally.Natural Skin Care How To1. OrangeOranges can tighten body tissues, bleach, mengengkat dead skin cells as well as toning.The trick: Add a teaspoon of Lemon Juice on the mask that you frequently use.2. PapayaPapaya fruit can menganggkat dead skin cells.How: Cut the papaya fruit is ripe, mashed can then rub the surface of your skin. Even better if mixed with honey.3. TomatoesTomatoes can tighten body tissue so as to prevent any wrinkles in the skin.How: Rub a slice of tomato on the skin, and wait a few minutes then rinse with clean water.4. Watermelonwatermelon may increase the water content in the skin is perfect for dry skin care.How: Rub a slice of fruit Semngka the skin, and wait a few minutes then rinse with clean water.5. AvocadoAvocados can provide nutrients to the skin but not suitable when used for skin of children.How: Puree the avocado flesh then rub evenly on kulit.dan wait a few minutes then rinse with clean water.6. Rice KetanHow: glutinous rice washed and drained first. Enter the glutinous rice in a bag made of satin and cotton fabric. After that slowly mashed until smooth, then celupkanlah bags containing rice was pounded into the warm water, let sit for a few minutes to change into as milk. Once the water is turned into like milk, then Usahkan bags containing rice evenly to your skin, and let stand 2 minutes hinnga.7. MilkMilk can menganggkat dead skin cells in addition to milk it can also nourish the skin.How: Combine milk powder with chamomile flower tea, rub it evenly on the skin. and wait a few minutes then rinse with clean water.8. YolkEgg yolks can mengesatkan and tighten the skin.How: Combine one egg yolk with one teaspoon of honey, rub on the skin, wait a few minutes then rinse with clean water.9. BananaBananas can also provide kgizi on the skin but it also can smooth the skin.How: Blend the banana until smooth, then apply evenly to the skin, let it dry and rinse with the shower.Skin Care How Well so I can give here, and I suggest to better health in your body treatments using natural ingredients, but of course you look pretty healthy too, ok you might be interested to read other health tips such as Sleeping Beauty Tips Colds or a characteristic feature of The Pregnant. Do not forget to follow the updates of the latest articles Latest Info blog is for sure more info will not be less interesting to the article How to Skin Care. Hopefully Helpful.

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