Saturday, July 21, 2012

How To Maintain Beauty & Body Beauty

How To Maintain Beauty & Body Beauty

Physical beauty is the essence of a person. Looks pretty mean to have a sense of comfort in life. Actually, the beauty of the body is not simply innate, we can all try to get the physical beauty. Obviously with more attention and care for themselves, such as Makeup, nails, hair and eyes of our body parts.

Here are some simple ways you can do yourself to care for the beauty of the body. 

1. Drinking water 8 to 12 glasses a day. Drink more water, it means more to reduce your hunger, making fewer nyemil and help the body fit. You can set the pattern for a drink every half hour and so on.
2. If you are on a diet, the balance between carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and good fats. Reduce consumption of foods high in calories and little nutrition. Instead multiply eat nutritious food, because it helps you cope with pain and also handy for beauty. If you are too tired, meets these demands can relax your body with or Candles Private Massage Therapy in order to recover the body refreshed.
3. Mix honey in water and drink regularly every morning. This potion will make your skin more radiant and smooth. If you want to, can also use the milk to soften the skin, rub your skin with milk, the milk will keep the moisture in your skin from dryness. 
4. If you take a bath too long or slightly longer, dead skin cells in the body will be released automatically. Do not rub too hard you wet your body with a towel, treat your skin gently. If you are sunbathing or exposure to the sun, your skin would look scorched. To ease you can try this simple recipe. Take a cucumber and tomatoes, make juice, then rub into the skin of the burning sun, let stand for 10 minutes and just rinse with water.Again, the mere physical beauty is not guaranteed to get lots of attention from the opposite sex. Of course you also have to hone the things that can give more value to your personality. But, do not forget also to take care of your body as tambaha to appear more confident. And hopefully some useful tips that we convey to you.

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