Thursday, December 29, 2011

Getting into the Gluten Free Regimen {Guest Post}

[Source: Google Images]
Gluten forms an integral part of the diet, knowingly or unknowingly one takes in high volumes of gluten laden food products almost every day. Approximately 7% - 8% people are gluten intolerant for whom a gluten free diet is of utmost importance; which means these people will suffer from headaches, bloated stomachs, intestinal problems etc. The most severe form of Gluten intolerance will be converted into a disease labeled Celiac Disease. Once gluten intolerant people decide to cut down on their gluten intake chances are that they will stop getting headaches, bloating in the stomach and other intestinal problems. 

The main source of Gluten that forms a part of the normal diet comes from foods processed from wheat, barley and rye. This is a protein component that gives the final product a chewy texture. Thus its the gluten that is present in bread, pizza, pasta and cakes that give these food products a chewable texture and the awesome yummy taste relished by one and all.

Though no medicine can really claim to remove the ill effects of gluten on gluten intolerant human being the best option that is advised for such people is stopping gluten laden food products. It’s quite simple to agree on this point but quite difficult to implement it in real life. It’s not only bread, pizza and cakes that contain gluten. There are several other food products that will have some volume of gluten. 

The course of action for those who have been diagnosed with Celiac or gluten intolerance need to be quite careful about their health by controlling their eating habits. Concentrate on what you can really eat and not what you can’t eat. There are many options available in the gluten free world. It’s not the end of the world once you have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Remember your health is more important than your taste cravings. 

Learn to cook food that's gluten free. It’s quite simple and much healthier for people who can’t stand gluten in their diet. You just need to change your cooking habits and the world of gluten free recipes is open for you which I can bet is yummier and will surely tickle your taste buds.

About the Author: Elva G Lamont. The author is an expert in writing on topics like Food and Self Improvement. She is a fitness freak and believes that nutritious food and happiness are the essential elements of life that help a human being lead a quality life. Being gluten intolerant she is a big time advocate of Gluten Free Food and Gluten Free Recipes.

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