Thursday, August 26, 2010

Meditate while you walk

I am not very sure about how many of you like to exercise and sweat out. And, I'm not equally sure of the number of people who can sit through the meditations and yoga since you might find it very boring and slow. But, no one hates walking or, rather, cannot do without walking. So, I am sharing today with you all a great article which I came across which discusses a combination of walking and meditation as a form of exercise and I must say it looks really interesting and worth giving a try.

Walking is one form of exercise which can be indulged into without any expenses and waste of time. A short or a long walk early in the day literally helps you marathon through out the day and a short stroll in the evening or after dinner helps in a good sleep. Not only that, it helps you lose weight too. The article discusses how you can make walking a time to observe awareness of your own body instead of concentrating on the surroundings and the people. You can take this time to come in harmony with yourself and understand how your body moves and how you can make it even more better. So, go ahead and make walking an enjoyable and a different experience by reading this article. Do come back and share the experience and thoughts.

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